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"Beardy McGreen" (2006-10-25) / Saint Louis (United States)

This is Beardy Mcgreen my Biggest Stencil to date.
This piece is approximately 12 feet x 13.5 feet (3.6 x 4.1 meters) He looks like a bad ass but deep down he really want peace.

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Poster: Peat Wollaeger  |   Views: 1092  |  Rates: 75

Tagging: big

# 1  |  Incident At 66.6 FM  |  2006-10-26
wow. good work!
# 2  |  Bones  |  2006-10-26
what is the round building in the background?
# 3  |  peat  |  2006-10-28
the round building is the St. Louis Arch...
Larcge monument in St. Louis, MO USA