1    name and email
2a  select city from list 2b  or enter a new city and country
3    stencil title
4    description
5    photo DETAIL
6    photo LOCATION


Upload your stencils here.

Please enter two photographs: one showing the graphic in detail and one displaying the stencil in the context of its surroundings, to provide an impression of the area to the viewer.


Enter your name and e-mail address (optional).


If there are already stencils online, in the city you took your pictures, please choose the area from the list.


If the city is not listed above, please enter the name of the city and choose the related land from the country-list.


Enter title of the stencil.


Enter description of the stencil.


Choose a picture file showing the stencil in detail.


Choose a picture file showing the stencil and the surrounding area.


Upload the files by clicking on the "upload" button.

The size of the file does not matter - the appropriate size will be automatically generated. If you are using a rather slow internet connection, it might be easier to reduce the size of the file before uploading it.
Please note: There are only pictures in "landscape" format on display, so photographs in "portrait" format may appear distorted on the site.
Please upload your images as JPEG (.jpg) files in RGB mode.