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"almafuerte" (2004-12-29) / buenos aires (Argentina)

starke seele

Poster: mica  |   Views: 1070  |  Rates: 104

Tagging: almafuerte

# 1  |  Sold Out  |  2006-12-04
# 2  |  maxi  |  2007-02-26
como mierda van a aser eso la puta q los re pario tambien.. primero fijense QUE es almafuerte... pavos seguro q esuchan miranda..

caretas de mierda

# 3  |  Marina  |  2007-08-03
# 4  |  maxi  |  2007-08-14
# 5  |  fede  |  2010-04-01
# 6  |  Jeronimo  |  2012-05-21
Thanks for the feedback on such a post pkcead day. Thanks KD! Rusty, as a life long hockey player, I can assure you reducing the game to its stereotype was not my intention, and though I see where you're coming from, I can't say I agree. I feel that photo expresses the subtitle of the blog. Anyhow, thanks again for taking the time comment.