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"Bob say..." (2006-04-05) / Tucuman (Argentina)

Bob come with a advice: "Kids, say NO to the drugs"

Poster: Plasticologo  |   Views: 1033  |  Rates: 99

Tagging: 9

# 1  |  Raman  |  2012-08-03
Some times I worry because even if i have lots and lots of yarnsSome times I worry and feel glutiy because even if I have lots and lots of yarns, I'm always visiting craft stores, Internet yarn sites to order and never seem to have enough yarns.I live in Bogota, Colombia and when I travel I take one bag just for my yarns. I especially buy Bernat yarns as they are so pretty and difficult to find here.My husband some times complains but at the end laughs and cooperates.I knit with a group of friends and we knit hats for charity with left over yarns and donate to hospitals or women in need.Reading some blogs I find many women are like me obsessive with buying, stocking yarns and knitting. Then I don’t worry or feel glutiy about it.Thank you for everything you do for us knitters.
# 2  |  Morgan  |  2012-08-05
to Ch 13 . I don't understand if I am seoupspd to continue crocheting an extra 13 stitches (making the block and then having the 13 crocheted stitches coming off to the side). Then turn.Then half-double all the way across, make ANOTHER 13, TURN,and then crochet again over the 58 stitches. This particular section has me so confused. I wish there was a picture or something. Any help in understanding is greatly appreciated!Thanks!