• Rating:

"riseone79" (2006-01-30) / Los Angeles (United States)

four color stencil on paper pasted on bus bench.

Poster: riseone79  |   Views: 1058  |  Rates: 3

Tagging: pasteup

# 1  |  Janus  |  2006-01-30
damn hot....
# 2  |  yohji  |  2006-03-21
this is the shit in Angeles
# 3  |  yeon kim  |  2006-03-21
i think i saw a similar thing in korea
# 4  |  dave  |  2006-03-21
this is really nice.....

# 5  |  john  |  2006-03-21
wow, nice layers
# 6  |  kunt  |  2006-03-21
nice effort
# 7  |  mufacka  |  2006-03-21
so sexy
# 8  |  andrew  |  2006-03-21
it is so fun looking
# 9  |  kevin  |  2006-03-21
is that a asian kid?..?
# 10  |  mufacka yo mama  |  2006-03-21
i love arabs who love anal sex ass-lined carpet especialy persian
# 11  |  codename v @mufacka yo mama  |  2006-07-17