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"legalize" (2004-08-12) / Linz (Austria)

Parkbad, Sprungturm

Poster: modulor  |   Views: 87  |  Rates:

Tagging: drugs Legalize hotspot Rest in peace aipe!!

# 1  |  jeremy  |  2004-10-26
# 2  |  remote|access  |  2004-11-04
und vor allem ... wie zum teufel sind die da hin gekommen?? ... krank
# 3  |  jew  |  2005-01-05
# 4  |  sputnik  |  2005-05-21
yop - abseilen rulez!!! so wars!
# 5  |  Incident At 66.6 FM  |  2005-05-10
ja, das warn profis!
# 6  |    |  2005-05-10
des kann nur durch "abseilen" dort hin gekommen sein
# 7  |  lover  |  2005-07-01
# 8  |  klausi  |  2005-07-06
# 9  |  rasman  |  2006-05-26
# 10  |  i need food  |  2007-07-25
# 11  |  me  |  2007-11-22
rest in peace aipe!
# 12  |  Boldy  |  2008-03-17
# 13  |  Curiosidades  |  2012-08-05
Sure I see what you're saying. But I'm not sure whteher it matters all that much how the parents refer to Bobby. I have plenty of trans friends who have one or more parent refuse to refer to them by their preferred pronouns and/or name. And from what I've seen, Bobby does present in a very feminine way. And the issue of presentation is really trick and complicated anyway. Where is the line between presenting as female and presenting as male ? When a cis girl wears a t-shirt and jeans, we don't say she's not presenting as female, so why should we require a trans girl to always wear skirts in order for her presentation to be considered female? There's a nasty history of trans women being held to much stricter standards of femininity in order to be considered legitimately female than the standards of gender we apply to cis women. And I'm not even sure we should be applying such standards to anyone at all, to any degree. Gender should be an issue of how we feel and how we self-identify, not how well we fit into the social conventions we've built around it. You know? Maybe Bobby is just a slightly tomboy-ish girl with parents who haven't quite caught on yet? Of course, it could also be the case that Bobby isn't transgender, and is simply a cis boy who happens to be interested in feminine things. I'm not disagreeing with that, and it's a valid point. But if they're saying they regard themselves as a girl, and want to be a girl scout, well I don't know, it certainly seems like there's a pretty good chance she is indeed a transgender girl, whteher her mother calls her that or not, or how conventionally femme she dresses. I also heard some talk lately that apparently many children who present with cross-sex behaviour / identification at an early, pre-pubescent age may often grow out of it and not end up growing up to transition. And it certainly seems to be the case that more often than not trans people don't come to fully understand their feelings until adolescence, or even later in life. Personally, it wasn't until I was 14 that I finally understood what I was feeling, and able to put a name to it, and realized I was trans (and it took many, many more years before I finally stopped fighting it and actually transitioned). During early childhood, my interests weren't noticeably girly in any way. Granted, I never had any sisters, and therefore had very few opportunities to explore that kind of play ordress, but I still came across as just a slightly effeminate artistic boy, not noticeably gender variant in any way.I'm not sure whteher or not there's any truth to that idea that early childhood cross-sex behaviour is often not an actual indication of GID. I'll have to do more reading and stuff. But if it is true, it might reveal some interesting complexities to how gender identity develops.
# 14  |  Mariibell  |  2012-08-05
Yes. In a class now. Learner that is the preferred dioetcirn to do slip stitch unless told to do differently in pattern. Simply means to slip by entering the stitch on left needle with the tip of the right needle entering the stitch from the right and move (slip it) to the right hand needle. Thus SSK is slip 2 and then knit them tog. off the right hand needle.